1. His Retirement package - RO17000/- (ie.Rs.20 lacs)
2. His medical allowance - RO 800/- (ie. Rs.1lac)
3. Packing allowance - RO750/- (ie. Rs.1 lac) this is for packing and sending his clothes and utensils
4. Gold medal gift from committee – RO650/- (ie.75,000Rs)
5. 5 course dinner in Hilton - RO1500/- (ie. Rs.1.75 lacs)
All totally coming to Rs.25lacs……………whoooooooooh!!
Has he retired as a principal or as some director of a multinational company. This is the money of the poor people that has been spent like this. Who gave the authority to the school to do so?????
And now comes the story…………… despite getting all these (to a Principal who used to shout and send kids outside the school for the delay in paying the school; a principal who used to ask 1000 questions for giving a 10% reduction in school fees>>>>>>>) when he want to leave Salalah he was insisting on to carry the SIM card of the school/….
You can get a sim card here for just RO2/- and still this man wants to carry the school SIM Card so that he can make International calls from India at the expense of the school…… It was told that normally his GSM bills when he was principal would be in the range of RO75/- per month………. Calling all his friends and relatives and talking!!!!
People like him should have the thought that this school is a community property and should not misuse the public money………..
Where is the committee? What they are doing????? Sorry…………as usual they are taking a nap…..thanks sir – we are not troubling you…………
Jai Panwar sahib, Jai Management Committee……….down down poor public…
see i dont know who you are. and mostly probably yo are saying the right thing. but why do you have to publicly insult our school like this? raher than doing this make some noise and react from there. and by making such post you are only going to insult us. i am an alumni student from ISS even i know many such things happening there bu during our time parents came forward and made issues of any such things happening.. so if there is any problem instead of publicly insulting ourselves go forward and ask them for an explanation. Such thigs are so common around the globe but there are rarely any one who insults themselves for no reason. there for please dont do this.... i have some respect for the goods from that school. I belive i am where i am now only because of ISS by doing so u r hurting so many... that too for vague... if you really want noise to be made. DO it and i am sure everyone will be there with you. this measure will no good.
to--old alumni
hello man..after reading through your comment i really wonder if u have studied in our school..u honestly think than what u r now is due to our school???cmon man give me a break.. people have the right to know where their money is going...if u studied for free like how teachers students do then its not our mistake...take a hike man!!!
u completely rock man..i never knew these things happened in our school thanks man 4 enlightening us..rs 25 lacs took from students n partying in hilton..man what the hell...i think this message should b spread around....
1st of all i was very much a paid student there. and my point was
why do you have to 'spread' the news when you can stop it from happening.ISS is a pvt school so parents can question the school. go head and ask them to do so.
and i still am thankful to iss for what i am today. it must have had many draw backs but i still respect it. i dont care who doesn't agree to tht too.
so iss blog author,
make some noise or provoke the able people dont simply 'spread' the news.
I think "old alumni" might have a point here in saying that the blogger should try to stop it. But honestly, I feel that the blogger is a teacher since he seems to know the inner workings of ISS. If he dares to do such a thing, he will be sacked for sure. It is in his best interest that he should not confront the authorities. Also, knowing how corrupt and unfair ISS authorities are it would be useless for him to intervene anyways. So, the best he can do is blog about it and spread the word. Sure, it is not of much sue to anybody but it definitely gives me that satisfaction that someone is noticing what is happening in the hellhole called ISS.
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Nice fill someone in on and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.
Education 'industry' is not service oriented any more, not for many. There is pretty much nothing we can do about it unless we organize, form a group and may be exprets can even provide legal advice on what can be done. Since the school comes under Indian embassy (which pretty much means the Indian Jurisdiction) it can be treated as any other school on the Indian Soil.
AAH!!!!this blog is not updated For so long......Arey yar.....Update it sometimes........i will support u only.....if u want any help or news.....this is my id...u can contact me at indianschoolsalalahrockers@gmail.com
One more thing, whoever you are.... Mr. Panwar worked his ass to get the money he got. He did not steal it. And i've no clue why people think teachers are meant for social work and that even if they earn a pittance it's enough for them. There are a lot of crappy people out there working in corporates earning money for killing flies out here in Salalah...
MR V K PANWAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
What all can one say about his greatness.The old fox ruled the school for 17-18 years as he was a golden chamcha of A R NAIR THE GREAT.
what do you know about panwar.he made money from everything including school textbooks purchases and ties and badges and so much more.
he also had a great romantic side.he would go for long drives with some female teachers and enjoy away from town.
eating and drinking fukat at so many parties was his daily routine.and then he was smart enough to promote his certain friends children as school captains and other inportant jpositions.
all in all he did waht nair remotely controlled and between them they enjoyed so much for 18yrs and NOW THEY HAVE BECOME SADHUUS AND MAHATMAS.......
AND FU....K ANY OLD ALUMNI GIVING SUCH CRAP ADVICE AS HE MUST HAVE BEEN SOME NAIR OR PANWARS CHAMCHAS SON SO THIS BIG TALK.I ALSO AM A ALUMNI FROM 2000 BATCH AND remember very clearly how this rascal to give the school gold medal to sneha ved.nearly ruined the life of another deserving gurl by scandalising her.also saale ko guts hain to pooncho,what happende when oomna mathew cauight one salalah vip's girl in classroom upstairs having !!!! and why this matter was hushed up overnight.
all duplicate assholes these buggers were and we the ordinary boyz and gurls suffered then
No need to repect those who dont deserve it...
th new principal is a great lot better
was the girl whom you are taking about Esther?
School Management Committee Under Right to Education
Capitation fees, donation fees and hurdles in admission are making human resources untapped in Indian. According to Right to Education there is a provision of “school Management Committee” consists of twelve members. The school management committee consists of parents and teachers as well as management to monitor admission process, daily activities of the school. One member of this committee will be from the group of parents whose siblings will get admission under the reservation rule of 25%.
The school management committee will monitor the day to day activities of school, implementation of right to education act in admission, awareness in society regarding right to education and reservation for under privileged children.
Out of twelve members, one member will be from local governing body, one will be from education field and one will from school management or school teacher.
School management committee will held general meeting at the interval of every two months. Two years will be the tenure of every school management committee.
Capitation fees, donation fees and hurdles in admission are making human resources untapped in Indian. According to Right to Education there is a provision of “school Management Committee” consists of twelve members. The school management committee consists of parents and teachers as well as management to monitor admission process, daily activities of the school. One member of this committee will be from the group of parents whose siblings will get admission under the reservation rule of 25%.The school management committee will monitor the day to day activities of school, implementation of right to education act in admission, awareness in society regarding right to education and reservation for under privileged children.Out of twelve members, one member will be from local governing body, one will be from education field and one will from school management or school teacher.School management committee will held general meeting at the interval of every two months. Two years will be the tenure of every school management committee.
Indian schools’ board to discuss fee
Sun Apr 22 2012 07:12:04 GMT+0400 (Arabian Standard Time) Oman Time
Indian schools of Oman
Muscat: The Board of Directors (BoD) of Indian schools has “agreed” to hold an open meeting with the parents in presence of the school management committees at all Indian schools in the Sultanate to discuss and review the fee hike issue, parents claimed.
“The BoD has agreed to discuss the fee hike issue at an open meeting. For a majority of the parents, the new fee is simply unaffordable,” Balakrishnan Kunimmal, a parent, said.
A number of parents met the Board of Directors yesterday evening and demanded a rollback of the fee hike.
On April 2 also, parents had submitted a memorandum to the Board of Directors demanding a rollback of fee hike decision.
With effect from April 1, all the 19 Indian schools in the Sultanate have hiked their tuition fee ranging between RO1 and RO7.
“Let them show us their financial statements. Mismanagement of funds has led to this situation. They should find some other alternative, other than hiking the tuition fee to raise money,” Santhosh Kumar, a parent, alleged.
Does anybody knows when the meeting going to be in Salalah?
In recent days SMC members activism calls for criticisms : I would like to bring some great news about one current School Management committee member who serves more than 4 years, his wife is running a private convent school for language studies. Now the question is Will that amounts to Conflict of Interest or not?? Even if it happens to him, to be in SMC earlier than that, should he quit on moral grounds or not??
As SMC is claiming that they have scrutiny in rejecting candidacy of couple of good excellent educated people saying that because of their political affiliation, during the FEB 2012 selection process.
Will the Board of Directors bring transparency in the process of appointing new School management committee members?? By spelling out public about the reasons for their rejection.
Now the question is SMC member’s wife can they run parallel school like system outside scope of ISS?? By looking at this SMC member, some other people attached with/ without school can also try to run like this education centers. Does the existing committee has teeth in controlling like this menace.
Alternatively the current SMC member can also encourage like this parallel system of other new comers, for his own benefits!!!
Atleast SMC should have clean image to question like that possible events in future!!!
Hence time has come for the SMC and its members to disassociate themselves from that so called political activism or they will be answerable for many unwanted questions that may arise in near future!!!
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Dear all,
In recent days we have noticed some of well qualified people filed their expression of interest to be a Management committee member of Indian school. As usual our MC shows favourtism & preference to their known friends working with the same company of decision makers. That kind of people openly showing that they are very close to existing MC members. The real truth is that kind of personalities are earlier proved to be corrupt in their earlier assinments and still pending enquiry. Now the question is will any MC member would be removed if they found guilty in their previous assignments???
why there is no transparent rules are not laid down for the selection process???
Is it same kind of personalities/ company people should occupy the place???
Why do not they try different kind of selection procedure??
Why not election like in other parts of world???
why there is no definite fixed term for every members???
Who will answer all these questions???
Respected friends,
Recently we are hearing more critic commends about School Management Committee (SMC) though they are striving to do better. In order to improve the current Situation, shall we recommend following lines for them.
1. Clearly make the code of conduct and make public for the SMC members & Parents, which will ensure transparency.
2. Reject the people who had been dejected or failed from their earlier Social activities.
3. Modern theory is those who protect/shield corrupt elements should be liable for punishment more than real corrupts. Corruption shielders should be kept away from SMC.
4. Aviod people with Conflict of Interest.
5. Recommend the people who can really devolve their valuable time for the betterment of School.
6. Do not disrespect the people who are showing interest in submitting Expression of Interest, it is everybody’s right.
7. Pls mind SMC president & MC member’s the post/ Chance is given to you, by the Parents for efficient management of School and not to ill treat the fellow parents. And do not forget you are managing the fellow parents annual fees & payment also. If they are not paying, there is no need for for you there to Manage!!!!
8. Some people pretending that they are very active in social services like that pretenders should be kept away. Remember they may focus they are very close to everybody including SMC president and show lots of things with the public which actually not!!!
9. We Congratulate the SMC for removing the Culprits by not extending their terms.
Respected friends,
Recently we are hearing more critic commends about School Management Committee (SMC) though they are striving to do better. In order to improve the current Situation, shall we recommend following lines for them.
1. Clearly make the code of conduct and make public for the SMC members & Parents, which will ensure transparency.
2. Reject the people who had been dejected or failed from their earlier Social activities.
3. Modern theory is those who protect/shield corrupt elements should be liable for punishment more than real corrupts. Corruption shielders should be kept away from SMC.
4. Aviod people with Conflict of Interest.
5. Recommend the people who can really devolve their valuable time for the betterment of School.
6. Do not disrespect the people who are showing interest in submitting Expression of Interest, it is everybody’s right.
7. Pls mind SMC president & MC member’s the post/ Chance is given to you, by the Parents for efficient management of School and not to ill treat the fellow parents. And do not forget you are managing the fellow parents annual fees & payment also. If they are not paying, there is no need for for you there to Manage!!!!
8. Some people pretending that they are very active in social services like that pretenders should be kept away. Remember they may focus they are very close to everybody including SMC president and show lots of things with the public which actually not!!!
9. We Congratulate the SMC for removing the Culprits by not extending their terms.
Respected friends,
Recently we are hearing more critic commends about School Management Committee (SMC) though they are striving to do better. In order to improve the current Situation, shall we recommend following lines for them.
1. Clearly make the code of conduct and make public for the SMC members & Parents, which will ensure transparency.
2. Reject the people who had been dejected or failed from their earlier Social activities.
3. Modern theory is those who protect/shield corrupt elements should be liable for punishment more than real corrupts. Corruption shielders should be kept away from SMC.
4. Aviod people with Conflict of Interest.
5. Recommend the people who can really devolve their valuable time for the betterment of School.
6. Do not disrespect the people who are showing interest in submitting Expression of Interest, it is everybody’s right.
7. Pls mind SMC president & MC member’s the post/ Chance is given to you, by the Parents for efficient management of School and not to ill treat the fellow parents. And do not forget you are managing the fellow parents annual fees & payment also. If they are not paying, there is no need for for you there to Manage!!!!
8. Some people pretending that they are very active in social services like that pretenders should be kept away. Remember they may focus they are very close to everybody including SMC president and show lots of things with the public which actually not!!!
9. We Congratulate the SMC for removing the Culprits by not extending their terms.
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Tickets available @
1. Salalah Apollo 2. Bawarchi Restaurant
3.Udupi Restaurant 4. Annapoorna Restaurant
Many Noble educationist Musical Lovers, Philanthropist , Social Icons would be attending the Show !!!
Organised by,
Modern Social, Cultural, Non Profit, Business Promoting Community Friends
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Tickets available @
1. Salalah Apollo 2. Bawarchi Restaurant
3.Udupi Restaurant 4. Annapoorna Restaurant
Many Noble educationist Musical Lovers, Philanthropist , Social Icons would be attending the Show !!!
Organised by,
Modern Social, Cultural, Non Profit, Business Promoting Community Friends
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Wow !!! it was mind blowing revelations….
There is lot more going to coming out Soon…
There is lot more going to coming out Soon…
There is lot more going to coming out Soon…
But my sincere prayer is, please do not waste your time by writing like this..
Because we realize the SMC people are shameless & not willing to change themselves despite the recent mind blowing revelations….
There is lot more going to coming out Soon…
Anyway to add few,,,
Some Restaurant Group in Salalah is going to offer Special discount to Indian School student Birthday parties celebrated during schooling hours
Some community friends group will provide Job guarantee & Reawards within ISS, to the people who are compeering & helping in any other way for the success of Grand star musical events.
Some friends group will provide you food token for taking part in their Musical event.
In future do not be surprised of advertisement saying Special discounts to Indian School students migrating to our newly (to be) opened school’s admission.
Business & business Only in the name Social service & Music…
By, humble SMC member having No conflict of Interest
Because we realize the SMC people are shameless & not willing to change themselves despite the recent mind blowing revelations….
There is lot more going to coming out Soon…
There is lot more going to coming out Soon…
There is lot more going to coming out Soon…
Business & business Only in the name Social service & Music…
Business & business Only in the name Social service & Music…
leaving my mark here in 2022
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