Story did not end here......
The other child happens to be the child of another teacher. She takes up the matter in an aggresive manner........ (see how our great teachers are) both have a small verbal fight........then enters our Vice-Principal.........matter taken to her cabin......35 minutes pass away...................both comes out..........and they lived happily thereafter..........hahahhahahah...............
First of all, it is against my basic ideology to criticise a teacher. In today's world where poor can look to a brighter side of FUTURE only through education, the role of a teacher is more or less to that of a GOD and at times they are more than the parents for a kid. However people who take up this profession had gone to such an extend down that at times teaching becomes one of the dirtiest jobs and the worst hated profession among kids..........
see here a staff how dare to go inside a full functioning class room and then scold a child in the presence of a staff teacher who is taking the class.
See how the matter is sorted out by the VP since it is between two staff members. Will this be the case if it happens from a common parent......my God entire Salalah would have been made to stand burning by Principal and Others for such incidents. But when it happens from the staff side.........everything is covered off in strong layers of butter...........
I really believe that Mr.Bhaskar had done some serious sin in his previous birth, else for such a good teacher would not have got such a terrorist lady as wife....................
This year is ending...........if you look into the kids..........for many this year may have been a terror for their life.........how many would cherish this year as learning a good habit or remembering a good act by one of their teachers................Let us hope the positives out run the negatives..............YES HOPE IS ALWAYS A GOOD WORD>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
hey dude.... who eva u r.... i don kno.... but wot eva u r ritten is a sheer truth.... its just gr8.... coz i hav d experience in ol dis u hav ritten abt staff matters being buttered... n stuff...
Hats Off ta u...
you know what. exactly............ i do absolutely agree to every single word you have written...... ponni maam bullied around the whole school with a tag of a teacher......i suppose for her being a teacher is a license to ill treat students. i suppose if this incident is right she doesn't have any respect for anyone at all..... i hope may God bless her and SOME DAY..... some day she would realize what she is doing......
yo man!!!..uVe rItEn sMtHnG dAts jUs dAmN tRue...!!!
dIs pAnnI sTrIkEs up eVrYtYm...sHeZ lYk a PAiN In d aSs...eRRRRrrrRRrr....bLuDy tAmIlIaN....!!!pOnnI bHAsKar...nA NA NAa nA nA...pOnnI basTard!!!!
sAaLi kHud bHokTi hAi 'yO sHd nt weAR rInGs To skUl..iTs nT aloWeD' oR bAcHon sE rInG cHiNkAr kHud hAath mEiN tHoktI HAi..saaNd sAAlI.....bHiKArI kAhI kI....
lAdKo kA tOh pUcHo mAt...hAmeShA pOnnI kI naZrEin bIcHaRon ke panT pE hI tIkI rEhTi HAi...aREy bHAi sAmJHa kaRo lOw waIsT kA faShIon hAi....ab aap kahengi ki kamariya ke upar tak cHaDAo tOh kOn cHaDAne wAalA hAi....iTnA tYm kahAn hAi kIsI k pAas...!!!!!!!!!!!!
yo man!!!..uVe rItEn sMtHnG dAts jUs dAmN tRue...!!!
dIs pAnnI sTrIkEs up eVrYtYm...sHeZ lYk a PAiN In d aSs...eRRRRrrrRRrr....bLuDy tAmIlIaN....!!!pOnnI bHAsKar...nA NA NAa nA nA...pOnnI basTard!!!!
sAaLi kHud bHokTi hAi 'yO sHd nt weAR rInGs To skUl..iTs nT aloWeD' oR bAcHon sE rInG cHiNkAr kHud hAath mEiN tHoktI HAi..saaNd sAAlI.....bHiKArI kAhI kI....
lAdKo kA tOh pUcHo mAt...hAmeShA pOnnI kI naZrEin bIcHaRon ke panT pE hI tIkI rEhTi HAi...aREy bHAi sAmJHa kaRo lOw waIsT kA faShIon hAi....ab aap kahengi ki kamariya ke upar tak cHaDAo tOh kOn cHaDAne wAalA hAi....iTnA tYm kahAn hAi kIsI k pAas...!!!!!!!!!!!!
yo man!!!..uVe rItEn sMtHnG dAts jUs dAmN tRue...!!!
dIs pAnnI sTrIkEs up eVrYtYm...sHeZ lYk a PAiN In d aSs...eRRRRrrrRRrr....bLuDy tAmIlIaN....!!!pOnnI bHAsKar...nA NA NAa nA nA...pOnnI basTard!!!!
sAaLi kHud bHokTi hAi 'yO sHd nt weAR rInGs To skUl..iTs nT aloWeD' oR bAcHon sE rInG cHiNkAr kHud hAath mEiN tHoktI HAi..saaNd sAAlI.....bHiKArI kAhI kI....
lAdKo kA tOh pUcHo mAt...hAmeShA pOnnI kI naZrEin bIcHaRon ke panT pE hI tIkI rEhTi HAi...aREy bHAi sAmJHa kaRo lOw waIsT kA faShIon hAi....ab aap kahengi ki kamariya ke upar tak cHaDAo tOh kOn cHaDAne wAalA hAi....iTnA tYm kahAn hAi kIsI k pAas...!!!!!!!!!!!!
its true ,, his husband started a internet cafe in new salalah , its closed due to some scandels ,,, i heard that he was arrested,, i was using that cafe and i saw a video clip and somepics of iss girls ,,
ponni bhaskar------------you are a 100% certified ISO9001 BITCH!!!!!
And why not.all these years you licked panwars ass and now the same you are doing with brown and co.
believe you me ,i am well aware of you walking into any class where your kid studies and whenever that brat complains ,you walkin in and threatening the other kids infront of the other teacher.well bitch I am a parent and my 3 kids are all in the school.remeber ,if you ever do or even dream of doing that to any of the kids i know,GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!!!!!I WILL TEACH YOU A LESSON OF YOUR LIFETIME YOU TAMILIAN BUFFALO
and the same applies to the school admin,if you want to remain blind then wait till the day some parent who will walk into the school and slap the lights out of this woman
coooooolllllll all da truth !!!
now a days she started catching couples too
Is there anybody monitoring all these comments??
Any action till date??
I am writing this despite all these comments the color and nature of that lady is still remaining the same. WE need to know when this lady will keep quite or be thrown out of this Indian school.
This is to bring some objectionable things carrying out by Mrs. Ponni Baskar with some lady teachers and their family. It seems that lady teacher’s association is trying to promote an idea of Parallel school like system promoted by their family similar to the one like , growing school business model of our current school management committee member’s wife.
As an innocent public we all need to know, Can teacher working in Indian school, indirectly promote their corporate vision like this?? Can they psychically present in the parallel school like system when students were attending classes?? Will that impact that fellow on looking parent to imagine that school management is promoting other private corporate system??
Apparently Mrs. Ponni and fellow teachers are openly telling that, I am meeting most of School management committee members on Fridays and Sundays. And we all teachers has their blessing in promoting our corporate vision outside Indian school.
From the recent happenings it becomes very clear that,
School management committee will not interfere in Teacher’s corporate vision and the Teachers will not listen to school administration and will support Committee member run private school??? Quid for pro kind of arrangement.
And in some cases they have not failed to restrict the teachers who are not listening to them. By turning things in favour Mrs. Ponni & co and they kept dominating others by saying it is committee members wish.
So Indian School management committee’s some members and Teacher’s are moving towards achieving their Corporate vision outside the school campus by misusing the facilities of Indian school, and turning all possible things in their favour.
In addition that lady teachers were seen in public with that special school management committee members most often in this small town area.
We should initiate a watchdog like system to bring all these issues in forthcoming days.
Jai Hind Corporate vision Teachers and School Committee members.
That raspcallion is steel same....
cooooool all da truth !!!
man u r absolutely rite.............dat cow hs been terroring us wid ol hr stupid rulez long enof ............ wid d princi's approval f course ............. jst keep updatin d stuff ......... awsum wrk here .............
Dear all,
In recent days we have noticed some of well qualified people filed their expression of interest to be a Management committee member of Indian school. As usual our MC shows favourtism & preference to their known friends working with the same company of decision makers. That kind of people openly showing that they are very close to existing MC members. The real truth is that kind of personalities are earlier proved to be corrupt in their earlier assinments and still pending enquiry. Now the question is will any MC member would be removed if they found guilty in their previous assignments???
why there is no transparent rules are not laid down for the selection process???
Is it same kind of personalities/ company people should occupy the place???
Why do not they try different kind of selection procedure??
Why not election like in other parts os world???
why there is no definite fixed term for every members???
Who will answer all these questions???
Respected friends,
Recently we are hearing more critic commends about School Management Committee (SMC) though they are striving to do better. In order to improve the current Situation, shall we recommend following lines for them.
1. Clearly make the code of conduct and make public for the SMC members & Parents, which will ensure transparency.
2. Reject the people who had been dejected or failed from their earlier Social activities.
3. Modern theory is those who protect/shield corrupt elements should be liable for punishment more than real corrupts. Corruption shielders should be kept away from SMC.
4. Aviod people with Conflict of Interest.
5. Recommend the people who can really devolve their valuable time for the betterment of School.
6. Do not disrespect the people who are showing interest in submitting Expression of Interest, it is everybody’s right.
7. Pls mind SMC president & MC member’s the post/ Chance is given to you, by the Parents for efficient management of School and not to ill treat the fellow parents. And do not forget you are managing the fellow parents annual fees & payment also. If they are not paying, there is no need for for you there to Manage!!!!
8. Some people pretending that they are very active in social services like that pretenders should be kept away. Remember they may focus they are very close to everybody including SMC president and show lots of things with the public which actually not!!!
9. We Congratulate the SMC for removing the Culprits by not extending their terms.
Respected friends,
Recently we are hearing more critic commends about School Management Committee (SMC) though they are striving to do better. In order to improve the current Situation, shall we recommend following lines for them.
1. Clearly make the code of conduct and make public for the SMC members & Parents, which will ensure transparency.
2. Reject the people who had been dejected or failed from their earlier Social activities.
3. Modern theory is those who protect/shield corrupt elements should be liable for punishment more than real corrupts. Corruption shielders should be kept away from SMC.
4. Aviod people with Conflict of Interest.
5. Recommend the people who can really devolve their valuable time for the betterment of School.
6. Do not disrespect the people who are showing interest in submitting Expression of Interest, it is everybody’s right.
7. Pls mind SMC president & MC member’s the post/ Chance is given to you, by the Parents for efficient management of School and not to ill treat the fellow parents. And do not forget you are managing the fellow parents annual fees & payment also. If they are not paying, there is no need for for you there to Manage!!!!
8. Some people pretending that they are very active in social services like that pretenders should be kept away. Remember they may focus they are very close to everybody including SMC president and show lots of things with the public which actually not!!!
9. We Congratulate the SMC for removing the Culprits by not extending their terms.
Respected friends,
Recently we are hearing more critic commends about School Management Committee (SMC) though they are striving to do better. In order to improve the current Situation, shall we recommend following lines for them.
1. Clearly make the code of conduct and make public for the SMC members & Parents, which will ensure transparency.
2. Reject the people who had been dejected or failed from their earlier Social activities.
3. Modern theory is those who protect/shield corrupt elements should be liable for punishment more than real corrupts. Corruption shielders should be kept away from SMC.
4. Aviod people with Conflict of Interest.
5. Recommend the people who can really devolve their valuable time for the betterment of School.
6. Do not disrespect the people who are showing interest in submitting Expression of Interest, it is everybody’s right.
7. Pls mind SMC president & MC member’s the post/ Chance is given to you, by the Parents for efficient management of School and not to ill treat the fellow parents. And do not forget you are managing the fellow parents annual fees & payment also. If they are not paying, there is no need for for you there to Manage!!!!
8. Some people pretending that they are very active in social services like that pretenders should be kept away. Remember they may focus they are very close to everybody including SMC president and show lots of things with the public which actually not!!!
9. We Congratulate the SMC for removing the Culprits by not extending their terms.
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Tickets available @
1. Salalah Apollo 2. Bawarchi Restaurant
3.Udupi Restaurant 4. Annapoorna Restaurant
Many Noble educationist Musical Lovers, Philanthropist , Social Icons would be attending the Show !!!
Organised by,
Modern Social, Cultural, Non Profit, Business Promoting Community Friends
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Tickets available @
1. Salalah Apollo 2. Bawarchi Restaurant
3.Udupi Restaurant 4. Annapoorna Restaurant
Many Noble educationist Musical Lovers, Philanthropist , Social Icons would be attending the Show !!!
Organised by,
Modern Social, Cultural, Non Profit, Business Promoting Community Friends
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
Special gifts & discount for Indian School Students, Salalah.
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