I had not written for long in this blog. I thought it is useless as long as the existing people do not change. Everyday there is no meaning in writing the same stuff and no improvement seen. However off late I have started seeing a lot of changes in the school which started my interest in our school. The most important one is the change in the Principal. Our old dada - Mr. Panwar Sahib is leaving. He was good in several things and whether we accept or not, he was instrumental in bringing a lot of stability in the school. But his major drawnback is his thumb rule.........whatever i say, it is correct. He was never corrected by the committee (who had that knowledge even to talk in english) nor by his subordinates (who always played "Yes BOss")
anyway since most of things are of past. let us see what is in store for future. Most of you want to know about the new principal and I had done some ground work in school as well as in India and the findings are interesting.
The new principal's photo is above and i am able to manage to get a photo of his wife also.
Trevor Ronald Brown: this is full name. had experience as principal in several schools and wherever he taught he earned a good name. he has some gulf experience also - in UAE. usually kids like him more because of his counselling and motivating skills.
He worked with our Valsala Mam in Choitram school and they were colleagues. See the fate they are going to become colleagues here also.
His wife name is Somi. She is more qualified than him and teaches in one of the prestigious schools in Indore. Both of them studied in the same college and almost the same time.
They have only one kid (sorry I dont know whether it is a son or daughter)
A good educated couple worth by their behaviour, approach, skills and students management. It is to be seen how our expert (!) management committee going to use them.