One week back, kids from 2nd Std went for a picnic in the nearby park.
10am : One of the kids, during play fell down and hurt her hand. The arm gets swelling……. Till now, everything normal and common. Now starts the classic ISS (Indian School Salalah) style:::
10am: The child starts crying heavily due to acute pain. But the teachers are in conflict who should go with the child…………… the child keeps on crying in pain with none to console
10.30am: It was decided to take the child to the school for first aid and a helper would go along with the child……. the child keeps on crying in pain with none to console
10.50am: On the way to the school helper gets down at Saada, bidding farewell to the child to suffer on her own………the child keeps on crying in pain with none to console
11.15am: Reaches school….takes another 5 min by the school nurse to attend. Pain increases and swelling also increases. Nurse advises to go to Qaboos Hospital…………… the child keeps on crying in pain with none to console
11.30am: not decided who will take the child to the hospital. Child’s parent details are not traced yet and not informed…….. the child keeps on crying in pain with none to console
11.45am: Finally the lot falls on the school driver to have the ‘privilege’ to take the child. You will be shocked to know who is accompanying the child – the child’s brother studying in the UKG!!! – Lord Christ only once said what these fellows are doing they do not know…..but these stupids are doing it daily……. the child keeps on crying in pain with none to console
12.20pm: When the child’s mother rushes to the hospital and meet the child, the child is crying with pain and left in a stretcher with no one except the 5 year old brother
2 days later: Child undergoes surgery for multiple fractures and still in the hospital
Now, let us ask:
1. Is this a school or an Extortion Center?
2. From an LKG / Primary student, the profit got is RO74 / student and the maximum students in the school are under this category. Still is this the way these young ones to be treated?
3. What was the level of decision and control this school is having in deciding to sent a small child (7 year old) with a broken arm to be accompanied with an even smaller child (5 year old)
4. Think of the situation when a child is crying for 3 hours without anyone to console and take care??
5. What is the safety of your child in this school???
It is an utter shame and disgrace to call this a school, better it is named as INDIAN BUTCHERY SALALAH……………………… SHAME ON INDIAN COMMUNITY…………………………